Introduction of Blind Golf
Golf is a sport beyond age and gender and in close contact with nature. While many still think that keen eyesight is necessary in golf playing for making proper judgments, blind golf has gained popularity ever since its spread to all countries in 1925 and its development afterwards. What is more, there are many international blind golf games, such as the world blind golf tournament held in 2004 in Australia.
Participants in a blind golf game are divided into B1, B2, and B3 teams according to their degree of visual impairment.
During the game, visually impaired golfers can be assisted by their coach to gather information about each hole, including its distance, direction and features, thus choosing the proper angle and direction for each stroke.
Classification of Athletes:
All classes (B1, B2, B3) of visually impaired athletes participate in the event together.
(Class 1) B1
An athlete in this class either have no light perception at all in either eye or may have some light perception but an inability to recognise the shape of a hand at any distance or in any direction
(Class 2) B2
Athletes in this class have the ability to recognise the shape of a hand or have vision of below 0.03 and/or visual field of less than 5 degrees;
(Class 3) B3
Athletes in this class have vision of above 0.03 to 0.1 and/or visual field of 5 to 20 degrees.